
Helping you to get the best out of your flock, we have the facilities at the auction to examine ill sheep and carry out post mortem examinations as well as lambings and caesarean operations. We are also able to fertility test rams and carry out vasectomies and dental work.

We offer a flock health planning service and can advise on ewe synchronisation and early season breeding, ewe and lamb health, lameness prevention, vaccination programmes and parasite control. Bring in dung samples from your flock for in-house worm egg counts in the practice laboratory to reduce and target wormer use scientifically to reduce the risk of anthelmintic resistance.

We stock a full range of fluke and worming products and all your lambing essentials.

The practice holds regular meetings for sheep clients and runs visits to local events such as North Sheep.

Through our sister company Craven Sheep Breeding, jointly owned with local veterinary surgeon and sheep breeder Michael Davis, we are able to offer shepherds more specialised breeding services such as AI, seen freezing and ET.